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Large Display Process Meters
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Model PD655: 1.0" High Red LED Polycarbonate NEMA 4X

  4 1/2 Digit + Extra Zero Display for Process/Rate
Full Six Digit Display for Total
Easy Single Button Scaling
Two 24 VDC Isolated Power Supplies
Modification for 200mA Power Supply Available!
2 or 4 Relays + 4-20 mA Output Options
115 or 230 VAC field selectable power
Rate display in units per day, in addition to second, minute and hour
Programmable set points for latching and non-latching relay operation
Built-in snubbers on each relay contact
Any set point programmable for process/rate or total
Programmable root function for Weirs and Flumes
Pump Alternation


The PD655 is a Large Display Process Meter with flow rate, totalizer batch control and pump (with alternation) control capabilities. It accepts the common process signals such as 4-20 mA, 0-5 VDC, 1-5 VDC and 0-10 VDC and displays these signals in engineering units on a 1" high 4-1/2 digit red LED display. The PD655 can also provide two isolated 24V power supplies to drive both the input and output loops. Options include up to 4 relays for alarms, pump control or batch control, as well as an isolated 4-20 mA transmitter output. The PD655 is housed in a rugged polycarbonate, NEMA 4X enclosure. The PD655 can be modified to provide up to 100 mA to drive mass flowmeters, ultrasonic level transmitters and other devices that require more than 20 mA to drive them.

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